Friday 21 March 2014

Only 18 months later

Since I last wrote a blog entry, only a poxy 18 months have passed. Son of a gun, how time does fly. So, a new blog name, a new design and the blog's new lease of life. 

I realised I shouldn't be tied down to the fact that the blog was formerly focussed on South Africa. I will just change the name! Nor should I worry that blogging is often perceived as being somewhat 'self indulgent' (to quote the kindest term I've heard used). When I read my posts back, it's like leafing through an old diary; nostalgic and comforting. So if that's self-indulgence then so be it.

Quite a bit has happened over the past year and a half and similarly, lots of exciting things are imminent. I'm going to stick to what I love best and write you a little list.

1) I returned from an extraordinary year living in South Africa. Nothing will ever tarnish the memories I made during 2012. 

2) I'm living at home and loving every minute..! You can guarantee I'll be the one out of us four still living here when I'm 30.

3) Rog & I survived (barely) a year of long distance. After a few trips out to Cape Town on my end and one to the UK on his end, we decided enough was enough and he has now settled in the Big Smoke that is London. I am very happy to have him here.

4) I have been working with children with Special Needs since returning, a job that has been fulfilling, demanding and emotional all muddled into one. This September I am starting a masters in Clinical Nutrition which is an exciting new step for me.

5) My big brother Matt and wonderful girlfriend Thitima are engaged and Emma and I will be the proud bridesmaids this May.

6) I took a fantastic trip to San Diego ("drink it in, it always goes down smooth") in February to visit Mum & Dad. It was a very special time of sunshine, cycling and salads. 

7) Emma and I are off to Central America next week for some culture seizing, volcano hiking and rum drinking gaiety/ exuberance/ merrymaking (what brilliant words). 

8) This is the year I get a dog.

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