Tuesday 29 April 2014

Costa Rica: A (weird) day in San Jose

Piña Coladas and coconut chicken at Lava Lounge. 

Last full day together. And a mixed one at that. 

Left La Fortuna in the torrential rain and San Jose cheerfully greeted us with a sneak peek of sun. Didn't last long.

The Lonely Planet terms San Jose as "not a pretty city". I think they're right on the money there. It reminds me of a creepy Eastern European city, not like the other vibrant and colourful ones I've experienced so far in Central America. Maybe this will make it less painful to leave?

Fun at the Norwegian embassy. 

Boys messing around with the flags. Quick dash back to casual Harry Potter reading before scary embassy lady returned. 

Workers having an ice-cream break. 

Strangest Russian dolls I've ever seen?

Surf shop fun to escape the rain. 

Jens practically had a stroke at finding a Dutch stroopwafel in a coffee shop. 

Sunday 27 April 2014

Costa Rica: La Fortuna

Coffee Costa Rican style

 Trying to enjoy ourselves despite the miserable weather

 Volcano Arenal in the mist

Cute street art 

You're damn right La Fortuna

Flower looking better for a drink 


Pretty plants outside our cabins. Shame the cabins are infested with mice droppings and ants

Bromance, reading Harry Potter to each other

Saturday 26 April 2014

Costa Rica: Monteverde

Very nice burrito indeed -chicken, guac, chipotle, pico de gallo, beans.

The faces don't depict how they really felt about the food, except for totally engrossed I suppose. 

Tropical rain storm. Over them already. Bring back the sun please. 

'Spaguetti Bolognesa The House' anyone?

Bar Amigos- lots of amigos made, lots of laughs and dances shared amongst amigos. 

Boat trip to La Fortuna. 

The mannequins are slightly larger than ours back home. Nothing wrong with a normal healthy body shape?