Friday 25 May 2012

Passion fruit take 2

OK, so anyone who knows me well knows that passion fruit (and coconut; and not necessarily together) are two of my favourite fruits. Actually, they may just be two of my favourite things ever (all jokes aside). You can read my subtle tribute to the passion fruit on one of my earlier entries if you fancy. You need see a hell of a lot of coconuts in South Africa but believe me I'm on the look out.

This will be me if I find some

So while I was casually perusing my new favourite blog,, written by a South African 'food stylist' (has anyone ever heard of one of these?!), I came across not only 1 but 2 passion fruit recipes. She shot up in my estimation the moment I clamped eyes on the word 'granadilla' (passion fruit to just about anyone other than a South African -why did they have to change the name of a fruit that is so perfect as it was?).

I thought I must copy the recipes here so you can revel in the glory of the passion fruit too.

Recipe 1) Friday's porn food: granadilla sorbet

Recipe: (makes about a litre)

  • 1 cup of sugar (250ml)
  • 1 cup of fresh orange juice (250ml)
  • 2 cups of fresh granadilla pulp
  • 2 large egg whites, beaten to stiff peaks
Heat the orange juice and add the sugar, stirring until it has dissolved. Add the granadilla pulp and chill in the fridge.
If you are making it by Hand:
Freeze the mixture for an hour and then fold the beaten egg whites through and then freeze again. Beat the sorbet every hour or so until the mixture has formed frozen crystals and then leave until ready to serve.
If you are making it in a machine:
Pour the fruit mixture into the ice cream machine and churn until it is the right consistency. Add the beaten egg whites and churn for about 20 seconds, scraping down the sides to ensure that they are incorporated. Remove and freeze until ready to serve.

Recipe 2) Easy passion fruit curd (glad she used the right name)

For a big batch that makes around 2 cups / 500ml:
  • 6 large eggs (free range or organic only)
  • 120g butter
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup of passion fruit pulp (strained or whole)
Heat the juice, butter and sugar in a heavy based pot until the sugar has dissolved and it reaches boiling point. Remove from the heat and allow it to cool slightly (about 3 minutes). Beat the eggs until fluffy in a bowl and then very quickly, whisking all the time add them to the hot juice. You do not want the eggs to curdle. Place this all back on the heat and whisk constantly until the mixture becomes thick. I allowed it to cool in the pot which further thickens it and then empty into a sterilised jar and store in the fridge.
This is wonderful to have on hand to create a dessert. It can be sandwiched between sponge cakes or biscuits, poured over meringues, dolloped onto pancakes or turned into gooey tarts. It is also wonderful just spooned directly out the jar.

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