Thursday 3 May 2012

Jessica the Hippo

Right so here is something that is different between South Africa and the UK. Actually, let me correct myself; here is something that is different between South Africa and the whole world. And that thing is Jessica the incredible Hippo.

I had read about Jessica and had always wanted to visit her, something I never thought would actually happen. But my dream became a reality when I had the pleasure of going to visit her at her home in Hoedspruit, Limpopo this morning. Without sounding too cliché about it, I can safely say it is an experience that amazed me and will stay with me always.

Jessica was found washed up by the floods just outside the home of Tonie and Shirley Joubert on the banks of the Blyde River. When it became evident that the little calf needed help, Tonie picked her up and was startled to find her umbilical cord still attached, confirming his suspicions that she was only a few hours old. Deciding that she needed milk desperately but at the same time understanding that they couldn’t feed the baby normal milk, Tonie used his expertise and knowledge as a game ranger to produce a substitute to the milk that she would have been provided by her mother. Tonie and Shirley instantly formed a bond with the animal and decided to name her Jessica. Tonie told me that they soon began to see Jessica as their child and have loved her ever since the moment they found her.

In my short time with Jessica, I was able to stroke her, feed her (sweet potatoes, sweetcorn and sweet Rooibos tea –she likes sweet things!), massage her with my feet while she was lazing in the water and even give her a kiss. She was good-natured and affectionate and I was astonished to see the bond she had with Tonie, even understanding the Afrikaans that he was speaking to her.

For any of you thinking that Jessica is held in captivity at their home, you’re mistaken. She is free to roam whenever she chooses and is often found socialising with the wild hippos further down in the bank. Jessica is unsure whether she is a human or a hippo however, as she appears to be somewhat wary of her contemporaries! She spends her days cooling off in the water, spending time with her family (including the dogs) and being fed her mammoth allotted 80kg a day! If she is ever hungry still, she knows exactly where to go –she lumbers into the kitchen and has herself a little more sustenance.  So basically, she is just like a typical teenager isn’t she (without the spots and mood swings).

I feel very lucky to have met and spent time with Jessica and will leave you with a few words that I think sum up this magnificent creature perfectly - ‘Jessica is so gentle; she is a tremendous boost for our physical and mental wellbeing. She is genuinely kind. Although she has phenonmenal strength in her jaw, she has never shown any signs of aggression. Jessica is the most wonderful precious thing, she is so unique and special, and needs to be appreciated’. (Tonie and Shirley Joubert).

For more information on Jessica, please see:

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