Monday 2 July 2012


What do you think of when someone says the word ‘camping’? I’m guessing if I asked you this question I’d get a lot of: tents, muds, uncomfortable night sleeps, no toilets, sleeping bags etc. I should probably add that the people in question would undoubtedly be British; anyone who has camped in the UK has probably been in a situation involving some of the above examples. The weather promises to be gorgeous but of course, later it is pouring down rain and you find yourself having to cook a ‘meal’ over a pathetic camping cooker, eventually resigning to a leaking tent and a not-so-sufficient sleeping bag. Sound familiar? For anyone who has experienced idyllic camping in the south of France or somewhere equally as fabulous, keep quiet please. 
This brings me on to my next point of interest, and that is glamping. Ever heard of glamping? Well, if you are a fan of TOWIE (and if you don’t know what TOWIE is then you’re clearly not a fan) then you’ll know what I’m on about. ‘Glamping’ -glamourous campingIn short, where camping is totally pimped up and instead of being an event that you have to endure, it is 100% luxury. Think beds, private toilets, decking and mood lighting. Sounds nice hey?

Well I can’t say that I’ve ever ‘glamped’ (love it) in the UK or anywhere in Europe for that matter, but I’ve been lucky enough to stay in my fair share of luxury tented camps across South Africa, most of these being located with a private game reserve of some sort. Each camp is unique and it’s been amazing to be able to compare them. I almost feel as though I could quite easily write reviews for the travel section on tented camps by now. 

Your basic tented camp will be a large canvas tent like structure with fold down windows and a private toilet and a marginally comfy bed with proper duvets and pillows. Then you have a little higher; wooden floors, big double bed and reasonably sized bathroom (with bath if you are lucky). Then comes the elite, the creme de la creme, the king of all tented camps. These luxury tents will be huge and will include a massive white bed with throw pillows and probably a bed box (fancy stuff), a bathroom that is probably bigger than your bedroom at home with an outside shower, bath, and bath robes (you heard me). You will also get an outside deck where you can leisurely sit and watch the world go by (and by world I mean the bushveld), spy on the monkeys in the trees and enjoy the sun going down. 

Not only do you get a room that you never want to leave, but your whole glamping experience does not stop there. Meals are extravagant affairs; from authentic ‘bush breakfasts’ eaten after a morning game drive, to substantial buffet lunches, to delectable high teas on arrival from afternoon game drives, and hearty and warming suppers, you are sure not to go hungry. The staff are always exemplary, the views are always magnificent and the animals will always leave you feeling that ‘Africa’ is a little bit apart of you now. 


  1. Wow, and for some reason I had imagined you were 'roughing' it, looks amazing!

  2. Haha Milli, it's not fun and glamping. Believe me. Read newest post about rural communities. Have stayed in such places and not quite so luxurious (although equally or if not more amazing)

  3. Hi, would you mind if I used your first image for a blog post I'm writing on Glamping vs RVing? I will link back to your article in my post and include a citation. Thanks let me know :)
